Content Importers
Packages for Foundry Virtual Tabletop
Add-on Modules
Argon - Combat HUD (PF2E)
DDB-Importer: A D&D Beyond Integrator
DSA5 Die Gestade des Gottwals
5e Statblock Importer
One Page Parser
Moulinette Media Search
Covil do Velho Dragão
PF2e Pathmuncher: Pathbuilder character importer
Alchemist Import
Lava Flow
FoundryVTT TAC Importer
SBC | StatBlock-Converter for Pathfinder 1E
Data Toolbox for FoundryVTT
Monk's Sound Enhancements
Cibola 8 - Master AI Integration
Eldritch Lairs
Deidril's Pathfinder 2 PDF Import
Playlist Compendium Sync
Mysterious & Revelatory Oracle
Mini-Dungeon Tome II
Dracs 4E tools for Foundry VTT
Realm Works (and Herolab portfolio) Importer
Small Talk
Mass Import Folder
Legend Lore
The Dark Eye 5th Ed. - Char2pdf
DSA5 Die Siebenwindküste Bundle
DSA5 Die Winterwacht Bundle
HeXXen 1733 - Buch der Regeln 2 II Edition
TOR 2e NPC Parser
AI Actors
PDF to Foundry (PF2e)
PF2e Use all module tokens
Cyberpunk RED Importer
5e Spellblock Importer
SWADE Stat Block Importer
Scene Express
Star Wars - Silhouette
Argon - Combat HUD (CORIOLIS)
Directory JSON Drop
Hephaistos Importer
Picky Adventurer
Sheexcel Module - Excel in your Sheets
Cypher System GPT
Deidril's Starfinder 1 PDF Import
Adventure Bundler
The Dark Eye 5th Ed. - Optolith Connector
Universal Battlemap Importer