Spin a fireside tale of unlikely villagers setting out on a quest into a greater unknown world, rife with peril and mystery, in the vein of The Lord of the Rings, The Wheel of Time, Princess Mononoke, and many other classic fantasy stories, or create your own legendary realms with the game’s open-ended system.

Legend in the Mist is a narrative roleplaying game with optional tactical features, that evokes the feeling of an old fireside tale. You gather your companions, journey through the countryside and wilderness, overcome dangers both natural and ancient, then have campfire conversations about what it all means.
Rather than another D&D-clone, Legend in the Mist focuses on bringing story and gameplay together with each one of its features, from its simplicity at the table to built-in tools for developing personal story arcs for your characters that lead to dramatic moments of transformation.
This demo contains everything you need to play the Tinderbox Demo; A short selfcontained adventure with premade characters and challenges.
This system is still under early development and may have some rough edges. The game itself is also under development and may see major changes. Consider this an early taster of what is coming.
*This system is published with express permission from Son of Oak