
Sky King's Tomb 2 of 3: Cult of the Cave Worm

An Add-on Module by Paizo

Content Provider: Paizo Author: Paizo Purchase Here View More Details Versions 12 - 12 (Verified 12) Last Updated 9 months, 1 week ago

Finding a legendary tomb requires tracking an equally legendary cave worm said to dwell there. As the adventurers set out from Highhelm, they must brave the Darklands’ dangers, navigate a treacherous fey city, and recover the relic that retraces the cave worm’s path. Yet in doing so, they learn of nefarious rivals who also seek the tomb—rivals the adventurers might stop by infiltrating an unforgiving underground metropolis.

Cult of the Cave Worm is a Pathfinder adventure for four 5th-level characters, continuing the Sky King’s Tomb Adventure Path, a three-part monthly campaign in which a group of adventurers travel deep underground to discover a legendary dwarven king’s tomb, seek subterranean treasures, and heal millennia-old injustices—all while stopping an ambitious villain from weaponizing those same discoveries. This adventure also includes a study of cave worm ecology, a gazetteer of the underground dwarven city of Hagegraf, potent relics, and several monsters to threaten underground explorers. Experience this Adventure Path using the full suite of Foundry VTT features, using maps, tiles, tokens, sounds, and much more to bring you content which truly cannot be experienced in the same way anywhere else. 

Note: If you already own the Pathfinder Adventure Path #194: Cult of the Cave Worm (Sky King's Tomb 2 of 3) PDF, you may follow this link to purchase just the module for $14.00. If you do not own the PDF, it will be automatically added to your digital library when you purchase this Foundry module at its regular price from the Paizo webstore.

Purchase Sky King's Tomb 2 of 3: Cult of the Cave Worm

Cult of the Cave Worm for Foundry VTT includes:

Installation and Activation

Purchasing this product from the Paizo store will grant you an activation code which can be activated through your Foundry VTT account page at and access to the PDF version of the same content (both downloadable from your My Downloads page on Afterwards you will be able to install the "Pathfinder Adventure Path #194: Cult of the Cave Worm (Sky King's Tomb 2 of 3) (Foundry VTT)" module on the Foundry Virtual Tabletop setup screen. To learn more about activating and installing premium content in Foundry Virtual Tabletop, visit

After installing the module, it must be activated within a Game World. To do so:


Supported Game Systems

  1. Pathfinder Second Edition

    Latest Version: Version 6.10.2 Last Updated 3 days, 18 hours ago


Available Versions

  1. Version 12.0.0

    9 months, 1 week ago
    Foundry Version 12 - 12 (Verified 12) Manifest URL
  2. Version 1.2.1

    1 year, 1 month ago
    Foundry Version 11 - 11 (Verified 11) Manifest URL