This volunteer-developed project brings the Pathfinder Second Edition ruleset to Foundry Virtual Tabletop. Supported by an official partnership with Paizo Inc. and Foundry VTT, the PF2e Volunteer Development Team have worked to bring robust mechanical support that seamlessly enhances gameplay without getting in the way of roleplay.

The PF2e game system includes:
- All rules content for Pathfinder Second Edition, including all creatures, hazards, items, actions, feats, spells from all official sources
- A fully-featured character sheet that calculates modifiers and tracks feat choices so that you don't have to, with dedicated support for vital functionality such as spellcasting, inventory management, crafting, and Pathfinder Society-compatible chronicle sheets
- Integration between the Pathfinder rules and Foundry VTT's canvas offers effortless support for advanced features like immersive vision mechanics, positional flanking, immunities, weaknesses, resistances, and real-time range detection
- The system comes with support right out of the box for a variety of popular variant rules, such as Proficiency Without Level, the Critical Hit deck, or Automatic Bonus Progression
- and much more!
Latest Release Features - 6.10.2
- Add content from NPC Core and Lost Omens Rival Academies
System Improvements
- Include original english name in ABC picker searches
- Omit showing effects that hide token icons from the effects panel
- Support sending kingmaker army war actions to chat
- Provide a subtitle with actions when using lores
Lots of data entry updates, as is normal; Fixed attaching items to anything except the first result; Fixed character sheet freezing when adding effects that grant a nested condition; Now allow use of search inputs by observers on non-editable actor sheets; Now apply damage alterations to elemental-blast damage; Fixed consumption of ammo for double-barrel weapons; Fixed registration of GM Vision keybind for macs; Fixed incrementing and decrementing kingmaker army effects; Fixed updating kingmaker army description and swap to prosemirror; Now hide aura texture when token is GM hidden; Restored preparation of subfeature key attribute options; Fixed issue in feat data model sometimes setting invalid action cost; Added creature identification skills for dream, shade, and time; Fixed mystifying compendium items when drag-and-dropping with ALT key held; Restored showing effects that hide token icons from the effects panel; Fixed issue causing feats with trait-toggle data to fail to initialize
Under the Hood
- Convert more actors and items to data models
- Add option to make proficiency created by MartialProficiencyRuleElement invisible
- Add item roll options for original weapon usage and combination weapon siblings
- Add support for token ring effects field in TokenImage RE
- Include item roll options in cloned statistic used for inline against expressions
- Add support for disabling special resource renewal
How to Contribute
The ongoing development effort for this game system is entirely volunteer-based, and we always welcome more help!
- If you know how to code in JavaScript/TypeScript/HTML/CSS and have something specific you want to work on, check out the issue tracker on GitHub. You can set up a development environment following these directions.
- If you find a data entry error, feel free to open a ticket in the GitHub issue tracker.
- Our Discord server serves as both a community hub and a base of operations for development, and is a good place to check in if you'd like to help but don't know where to start.
If you find what you think is a bug, do the following:
- Close the world and restart Foundry.
- Push F12 and make a note of any errors in the console log.
- Try to replicate it and figure out exactly what you did to cause it. Do you get the same error in the console log?
- If it is an actor, try replicating it on a brand new test actor.
- Disable all modules and try again. If it stops try figuring out which module - you can likely get help in #module-troubleshooting on the FVTT discord.
- If it still persists, create a new PF2e world with no modules enabled and try again. At this point you likely have enough information people in #pf2e on the discord channel might be able to help you.
- If it still persists and you feel confident in this, back up your world data, delete the PF2e system and reinstall it and see if that fixes the issue
- Open up a GitHub issue stating exactly what you did and exactly what error you are getting. Likely someone in #pf2e can help you phrase this.
Licensing Information
This system uses trademarks and/or copyrights owned by Paizo Inc., which are used with permission granted as part of the partnership agreement between Foundry Gaming LLC and Paizo Inc. This officially recognized game system was created and is maintained by the PF2e For Foundry VTT volunteer development team, and is published for free with the endorsement of Foundry Gaming LLC.
If you would like to undertake a similar project, much of what this system includes is covered under Paizo's extremely generous Community Use Policy. For more information please visit The Community Use Policy. For more information about Paizo Inc. and Paizo products, please visit Paizo.com.
Open Game License | Open RPG Creative License | Project License