
Magaambya Study Helper

An Add-on Module for Foundry Virtual Tabletop

Author: meneltamar Project Source: Project URL Versions 11+ (Verified 11.302) Last Updated 1 year, 5 months ago

What is Magaambya Study Helper

The Magaambya Study Helper is a module for the Pathfinder 2e Foundry system. It is specifically made for parties playing through the "Strength of Thousands" Adventure Paths. The module helps you keep track of your current levels in the branches of the Magaambya. It also supports you with Study/Research rolls made when trying to level up in those branches.

How does it work?

When you open a Player Character Actor, the header will have a new button "Magaambya Helper". Click on that button and in the popup that opens, you can configure your current branches and branch levels.

Sheet Header

Change your branch and levels in this popup and click "OK" to save the changes to the actor.


The two "Study for xx Branch" Buttons popout a new window that lets you select branch-appropriate skills (including all your character's Lores for Uzunjati). When you roll afterwards, the current level of the branch will be used to determine the DC you roll against. The Chat message after rolling will immediately show you the result (i.e. whether you rolled a Success, Crit Success etc.). You still have to manually change your branch level afterwards and click "OK".

Beware at this point in time, you HAVE to click "OK" after making any changes to the data (branches or levels) before you can reopen the Dialog and use the "Study for xx Branch" buttons.

Supported Game Systems

  1. Pathfinder Second Edition

    Latest Version: Version 6.7.1 Last Updated 1 week ago


Available Versions

  1. Version 0.4

    1 year, 5 months ago
    Foundry Version 11+ (Verified 11.302) Manifest URL
  2. Version 0.3a

    Foundry Version 10+ (Verified 10.291) Manifest URL