The options provided to this application upon initialization
The application ID is a unique incrementing integer which is used to identify every application window drawn by the VTT
An internal reference to the HTML element this application renders
Track the current position and dimensions of the Application UI
DragDrop workflow handlers which are active for this Application
Tab navigation handlers which are active for this Application
SearchFilter handlers which are active for this Application
Track whether the Application is currently minimized
Track the most recent scroll positions for any vertically scrolling containers
The current render state of the Application
The prior render state of this Application. This allows for rendering logic to understand if the application is being rendered for the first time.
A bound instance of the _onKeyDown method which is used to listen to keypress events while the Dialog is active.
The sequence of rendering states that track the Application life-cycle.
Return the CSS application ID which uniquely references this UI element
Return the active application element, if it currently exists in the DOM
The path to the HTML template file which should be used to render the inner content of the app
Control the rendering style of the application. If popOut is true, the application is rendered in its own wrapper window, otherwise only the inner app content is rendered
Return a flag for whether the Application instance is currently rendered
An application should define the data object used to render its template. This function may either return an Object directly, or a Promise which resolves to an Object If undefined, the default implementation will return an empty object allowing only for rendering of static HTML
After rendering, activate event listeners which provide interactivity for the Application. This is where user-defined Application subclasses should attach their event-handling logic.
Render the outer application wrapper
A promise resolving to the constructed jQuery object
Close the application and un-register references to it within UI mappings This function returns a Promise which resolves once the window closing animation concludes
A Promise which resolves once the application is closed
Render the Application by evaluating it's HTML template against the object of data provided by the getData method If the Application is rendered as a pop-out window, wrap the contained HTML in an outer frame with window controls
Add the rendered application to the DOM if it is not already present. If false, the Application will only be re-rendered if it is already present.
Additional rendering options which are applied to customize the way that the Application is rendered in the DOM.
The rendered Application instance
Change the currently active tab
The target tab name to switch to
Options which configure changing the tab
A specific named tab group, useful if multiple sets of tabs are present
Whether to trigger tab-change callback functions
Bring the application to the top of the rendering stack
Minimize the pop-out window, collapsing it to a small tab Take no action for applications which are not of the pop-out variety or apps which are already minimized
A Promise which resolves once the minimization action has completed
Maximize the pop-out window, expanding it to its original size Take no action for applications which are not of the pop-out variety or are already maximized
A Promise which resolves once the maximization action has completed
Set the application position and store its new location. Returns the updated position object for the application containing the new values.
Positional data
The left offset position in pixels
The top offset position in pixels
The application width in pixels
The application height in pixels
The application scale as a numeric factor where 1.0 is default
An asynchronous inner function which handles the rendering of the Application
Render and display the application even if it is not currently displayed.
Additional options which update the current values of the Application#options object
A Promise that resolves to the Application once rendering is complete
Persist the scroll positions of containers within the app before re-rendering the content
The HTML object being traversed
Restore the scroll positions of containers within the app after re-rendering the content
The HTML object being traversed
Activate required listeners which must be enabled on every Application. These are internal interactions which should not be overridden by downstream subclasses.
Handle changes to the active tab in a configured Tabs controller
A left click event
The Tabs controller
The new active tab name
Handle changes to search filtering controllers which are bound to the Application
The key-up event from keyboard input
The raw string input to the search field
The regular expression to test against
The HTML element which should be filtered
Define whether a user is able to begin a dragstart workflow for a given drag selector
The candidate HTML selector for dragging
Can the current user drag this selector?
Define whether a user is able to conclude a drag-and-drop workflow for a given drop selector
The candidate HTML selector for the drop target
Can the current user drop on this selector?
Callback actions which occur at the beginning of a drag start workflow.
The originating DragEvent
Callback actions which occur when a dragged element is over a drop target.
The originating DragEvent
Callback actions which occur when a dragged element is dropped on a target.
The originating DragEvent
Handle a left-mouse click on one of the dialog choice buttons
The left-mouse click event
Handle a keydown event while the dialog is active
The keydown event
Submit the Dialog by selecting one of its buttons
The configuration of the chosen button
The originating click event
A helper factory method to create simple confirmation dialog windows which consist of simple yes/no prompts. If you require more flexibility, a custom Dialog instance is preferred.
Confirmation dialog configuration
A promise which resolves once the user makes a choice or closes the window.
A helper factory method to display a basic "prompt" style Dialog with a single button
Dialog configuration options
The returned value from the provided callback function, if any
Wrap the Dialog with an enclosing Promise which resolves or rejects when the client makes a choice.
A Promise that resolves to the chosen result.
Create a dialog window displaying a title, a message, and a set of buttons which trigger callback functions.
An object of dialog data which configures how the modal window is rendered
Dialog rendering options, see Application.
Constructing a custom dialog instance