The _id of a JournalEntry document which this Note represents
The _id of a specific JournalEntryPage document which this Note represents
The x-coordinate position of the center of the note icon
The y-coordinate position of the center of the note icon
An image icon used to represent this note
The pixel size of the map note icon
Optional text which overrides the title of the linked Journal Entry
The font family used to display the text label on this note, defaults to CONFIG.defaultFontFamily
The font size used to display the text label on this note
A value in CONST.TEXT_ANCHOR_POINTS which defines where the text label anchors to the note icon.
The string that defines the color with which the note text is rendered
Whether this map pin is globally visible or requires LoS to see.
An object of optional key/value flags
The _id which uniquely identifies this BaseNote embedded document