The _id of the user who created the drawing
The geometric shape of the drawing
The x-coordinate position of the top-left corner of the drawn shape
The y-coordinate position of the top-left corner of the drawn shape
The elevation of the drawing
The z-index of this drawing relative to other siblings
The angle of rotation for the drawing figure
An amount of bezier smoothing applied, between 0 and 1
The fill type of the drawing shape, a value from CONST.DRAWING_FILL_TYPES
An optional color string with which to fill the drawing geometry
The opacity of the fill applied to the drawing geometry
The width in pixels of the boundary lines of the drawing geometry
The color of the boundary lines of the drawing geometry
The opacity of the boundary lines of the drawing geometry
The path to a tiling image texture used to fill the drawing geometry
Optional text which is displayed overtop of the drawing
The font family used to display text within this drawing, defaults to CONFIG.defaultFontFamily
The font size used to display text within this drawing
The color of text displayed within this drawing
The opacity of text displayed within this drawing
Is the drawing currently hidden?
Is the drawing currently locked?
An object of optional key/value flags
The _id which uniquely identifies this BaseDrawing embedded document