interface ChatMessageData {
    _id: string;
    type: number;
    user: string;
    timestamp: number;
    flavor: string;
    content: string;
    speaker: ChatSpeakerData;
    whisper: string[];
    blind: boolean;
    rolls: string[];
    sound: string;
    emote: boolean;
    flags: object;
    _stats: DocumentStats;


_id: string

The _id which uniquely identifies this ChatMessage document

type: number

The message type from CONST.CHAT_MESSAGE_TYPES

user: string

The _id of the User document who generated this message

timestamp: number

The timestamp at which point this message was generated

flavor: string

An optional flavor text message which summarizes this message

content: string

The HTML content of this chat message

A ChatSpeakerData object which describes the origin of the ChatMessage

whisper: string[]

An array of User _id values to whom this message is privately whispered

blind: boolean

Is this message sent blindly where the creating User cannot see it?

rolls: string[]

Serialized content of any Roll instances attached to the ChatMessage

sound: string

The URL of an audio file which plays when this message is received

emote: boolean

Is this message styled as an emote?

flags: object

An object of optional key/value flags

_stats: DocumentStats

An object of creation and access information