interface FormInputConfig<FormInputValue> {
    name: string;
    value: FormInputValue;
    required: boolean;
    disabled: boolean;
    readonly: boolean;
    autofocus: boolean;
    localize: boolean;
    dataset: Record<string, string>;
    placeholder: string;
    input: CustomFormInput;

Type Parameters

  • FormInputValue


name: string

The name of the form element

The current value of the form element

required: boolean

Is the field required?

disabled: boolean

Is the field disabled?

readonly: boolean

Is the field readonly?

autofocus: boolean

Is the field autofocused?

localize: boolean

Localize values of this field?

dataset: Record<string, string>

Additional dataset attributes to assign to the input

placeholder: string

A placeholder value, if supported by the element type