A class responsible for managing package-provided art and applying it to Documents in compendium packs.


  • Map
    • CompendiumArt


FLAG: string = "compendiumArtMappings"

The key for the package manifest flag used to store the mapping information.

SETTING: string = "compendiumArtConfiguration"

The key for the setting used to store the World's art preferences.

enabled: boolean = true

Whether art application is enabled. This should be switched off when performing client-side compendium migrations in order to avoid persisting injected data.


  • Retrieve all active packages that provide art mappings in priority order.

    Returns any[]

  • Internal

    Collate Document art mappings from active packages.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Parse a provided art mapping and store it for reference later, and update compendium indices to use the provided art.


    • packageId: string

      The ID of the package providing the mapping.

    • mapping: any

      The art mapping information provided by the package.

    • Optional credit: string

      An optional credit string for use by the game system to apply in an appropriate place.

    Returns Promise<void>