_backgroundThe background color in RGB.
Track the set of HTMLVideoElements which are currently playing as part of this group.
Occludable objects above this elevation are faded on hover.
The primary background image configured for the Scene, rendered as a SpriteMesh.
The primary foreground image configured for the Scene, rendered as a SpriteMesh.
A Quadtree which partitions and organizes primary canvas objects.
The collection of PrimaryDrawingContainer objects which are rendered in the Scene.
The collection of SpriteMesh objects which are rendered in the Scene.
The collection of SpriteMesh objects which are rendered in the Scene.
_ambienceThe ambience filter which is applying post-processing effects.
Should our Container also be displayed on screen, in addition to being drawn to the cached RenderTexture?
If true, the Container is rendered every frame. If false, the Container is rendered only if CachedContainer#renderDirty is true.
Does the Container need to be rendered? Set to false after the Container is rendered.
_renderA map of render textures, linked to their render function and an optional RGBA clear color.
#hoveredThe objects that are currently hovered in reverse sort order.
#tilingTrace the tiling sprite error to avoid multiple warning. FIXME: Remove when the deprecation period for the tiling sprite error is over.
SORT_Sort order to break ties on the group/layer level.
BACKGROUND_Allow API users to override the default elevation of the background layer. This is a temporary solution until more formal support for scene levels is added in a future release.
Return the base HTML image or video element which provides the background texture.
Return the base HTML image or video element which provides the foreground texture.
A PIXI.Sprite or SpriteMesh which is bound to this CachedContainer. The RenderTexture from this Container is associated with the Sprite which is automatically rendered.
The primary render texture bound to this cached container.
Set the alpha mode of the cached container render texture.
Draw the SpriteMesh for a specific Token object.
The Token being added
The added PrimarySpriteMesh
Remove a TokenMesh from the group.
The Token being removed
Draw the SpriteMesh for a specific Token object.
The Tile being added
The added PrimarySpriteMesh
Remove a TokenMesh from the group.
The Tile being removed
Add a PrimaryGraphics to the group.
The Drawing being added
The created PrimaryGraphics instance
Remove a PrimaryGraphics from the group.
The Drawing being removed
Create a render texture, provide a render method and an optional clear color.
options: { Optional parameters.
Render function that will be called to render into the RT.
An optional clear color to clear the RT before rendering into it.
A reference to the created render texture.
Clear the cached container, removing its current contents.
destroy: boolean = trueTell children that we should destroy texture as well.
A reference to the cleared container for chaining.
Bind a render texture to this renderer. Must be called after bindPrimaryBuffer and before bindInitialBuffer.
The active canvas renderer.
The texture to bind.
clearColor: number[]A custom clear color.
#drawDraw a PrimarySpriteMesh that fills the entire Scene rectangle.
The target PrimarySpriteMesh
The loaded Texture or null
#compareThe sorting function used to order objects inside the Primary Canvas Group. Overrides the default sorting function defined for the PIXI.Container. Sort Tokens PCO above other objects except WeatherEffects, then Drawings PCO, all else held equal.
An object to display
Some other object to display
The primary Canvas group which generally contains tangible physical objects which exist within the Scene. This group is a CachedContainer which is rendered to the Scene as a SpriteMesh. This allows the rendered result of the Primary Canvas Group to be affected by a BaseSamplerShader.