Does the Container need to be rendered? Set to false after the Container is rendered.
An RGBA array used to define the clear color of the RenderTexture
Should our Container also be displayed on screen, in addition to being drawn to the cached RenderTexture?
_renderA map of render textures, linked to their render function and an optional RGBA clear color.
textureA PIXI.Sprite or SpriteMesh which is bound to this CachedContainer. The RenderTexture from this Container is associated with the Sprite which is automatically rendered.
The primary render texture bound to this cached container.
Set the alpha mode of the cached container render texture.
Create a render texture, provide a render method and an optional clear color.
options: { Optional parameters.
Render function that will be called to render into the RT.
An optional clear color to clear the RT before rendering into it.
A reference to the created render texture.
Clear the cached container, removing its current contents.
destroy: boolean = trueTell children that we should destroy texture as well.
A reference to the cleared container for chaining.
Bind a render texture to this renderer. Must be called after bindPrimaryBuffer and before bindInitialBuffer.
The active canvas renderer.
The texture to bind.
clearColor: number[]A custom clear color.
Cached container used for dynamic darkness level. Display objects (of any type) added to this cached container will contribute to computing the darkness level of the masked area. Only the red channel is utilized, which corresponds to the desired darkness level. Other channels are ignored.