Graphics in which token radial and vision occlusion shapes are drawn.
Does the Container need to be rendered? Set to false after the Container is rendered.
Should our Container also be displayed on screen, in addition to being drawn to the cached RenderTexture?
_renderA map of render textures, linked to their render function and an optional RGBA clear color.
#tokensThe occludable tokens.
#elevationsThe elevations of the elevation-to-depth mapping. Supported are up to 255 unique elevations.
textureIs vision occlusion active?
Set the alpha mode of the cached container render texture.
A PIXI.Sprite or SpriteMesh which is bound to this CachedContainer. The RenderTexture from this Container is associated with the Sprite which is automatically rendered.
The primary render texture bound to this cached container.
Map an elevation to a value in the range [0, 1] with 8-bit precision. The radial and vision shapes are drawn with these values into the render texture.
The elevation in distance units
The value for this elevation in the range [0, 1] with 8-bit precision
Draw occlusion shapes to the occlusion mask. Fade occlusion draws to the red channel with varying intensity from [0, 1] based on elevation. Radial occlusion draws to the green channel with varying intensity from [0, 1] based on elevation. Vision occlusion draws to the blue channel with varying intensity from [0, 1] based on elevation.
Create a render texture, provide a render method and an optional clear color.
options: { Optional parameters.
Render function that will be called to render into the RT.
An optional clear color to clear the RT before rendering into it.
A reference to the created render texture.
Determine the set of objects which should be currently occluded by a Token.
The set of currently controlled Token objects
The PCO objects which should be currently occluded
Bind a render texture to this renderer. Must be called after bindPrimaryBuffer and before bindInitialBuffer.
The active canvas renderer.
The texture to bind.
clearColor: number[]A custom clear color.
The occlusion mask which contains radial occlusion and vision occlusion from tokens. Red channel: Fade occlusion. Green channel: Radial occlusion. Blue channel: Vision occlusion.