
Release 0.8.3

Version 8 Testing

May 10, 2021

Foundry Virtual Tabletop - Version 0.8.3 Update Notes

Welcome to the Foundry Virtual Tabletop update notes for Release version 0.8.3.

Welcome to the first beta channel update in the Foundry Virtual Tabletop 0.8.x series! This update focuses on continued series of improvements that were the focus of 0.8.x, including a new audio engine for improved Playlists and audio functionality, improvements to the dice system, a brand new Overhead Tiles system, and a complete overhaul of data structures for the purposes of standardizing the API. The incorporation of another 1500 pieces of icon artwork available to all users, and a substantial number of user experience improvements, bug fixes, and API enhancements.

WARNING: Beta channel releases have the potential to introduce breaking bugs that may be disruptive to play. These features are close to ready for a stable release - but likely to still include some bugs and incompatibilities which may frustrate you. If your game in particular relies upon a large number of add-on modules, it would be best to wait for the stable release.

If are upgrading the Foundry Virtual Tabletop application to 0.8.3 from 0.7.9 you must perform a fresh installation of the software. Because of some of the infrastructure changes it is only possible to update to this version from within the Foundry VTT application if you are already using 0.8.0. This does not apply to users running dedicated servers with Node 14+.

As always, before any significant update:

Be certain to carefully back up any critical user data before installing this update.

Update Overview

The 0.8.3 update primarily focused upon bringing bug fixes for some of the more prominent bugs that appeared during the 0.8.2 testing process and addresses a great number of those. The 0.8.3 update incorporates all of the changes documented in updates 0.8.0 through 0.8.2. You can read the full update notes for each individual release in the 0.8.x series using the following links:


The highlights of these features are:

Breaking Changes

Documents and Data

New Features

The Game Canvas

Interface and Applications

Dice System

API Improvements

Documents and Data

Interface and Applications

Other Features

Bug Fixes

Documents and Data

The Game Canvas

Interface and Applications

Dice System
