
Release 0.3.6

Version 3 Development

September 10, 2019

Beta 0.3.6 Update Notes

Greetings friends. I'm proud to share a new Foundry Virtual Tabletop beta update. This update has some major and substantial updates to core systems and software - focusing on improving the stability and consistency of key systems. The biggest improvement in this update is the new redesigned Configuration and Setup experience which gives a centralized management panel for Systems, Modules, Worlds, and core VTT software updates. The experience for installing and updating new community content has never been easier. In addition to this major new feature, there are a ton of quality of life improvements and bug fixes designed to smooth out some of the rough edges introduced in previous updates. I am proud of this set of changes and know it will serve me well as I continue development of new tools and functions looking ahead towards 0.3.7. Thank you all for your continued encouragement and sharing of this project - your help in spreading the word and supporting my work means so much to me.

Thank you all for appreciating my work, providing thoughtful feedback, and encouraging me to do even more. As always, please keep an eye on the development progress board here for visibility into what features are in progress and coming up next!

New Features

Core Bug Fixes

Core Software, APIs, and Module Development

D&D5e System Improvements