
Release 0.2.4

Version 2 Development

September 18, 2019

Beta 0.2.4 Update Notes

Greetings friends, supporters, and tabletop enthusiasts! I've got yet another Foundry VTT version ready to go - 0.2.4 includes some pretty exciting improvements for a variety of systems as well as a couple of new features that continue building upon that strong foundation. Key highlights in the new version include video background support, fog of war performance improvements, redesigned dice roll tooltips, and more. This update is available immediately for Council tier supporters and will be made available on Thursday, March 22 for beta tier supporters!

In addition to these more significant features, this update also includes a large number of smaller features, bug fixes, and enhancements. I'm really excited about the continued progress for this software and motivated by the support and encouragement of the community. Thank you all for appreciating my work, providing thoughtful feedback, and encouraging me to do even more. As always, please keep an eye on the development progress board here for visibility into what features are in progress and coming up next!

New Features

Core Bug Fixes

Core Software, APIs, and Module Development

D&D5e System Improvements