Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition
Sea of Claws
To the north lies the bitterly cold and tempestuous Sea of Claws. The sea separates the Empire from the lands of Norsca, where Marauder tribes beseech the forces of Chaos for glory and power and vast monsters make their lairs in the fjords. The coastal provinces of the Empire, desperate to escape the stranglehold of Marienburg, scramble to build mighty ships and sea defenses. Sailors, explorers, pirates, and wreckers all rub their hands in thought of the wealth to be won — but whilst a life on the ocean waves can reap great rewards, the risks are greater still.
Sea of Claws is the perfect starting point for a new campaign set on the high seas, or the ideal book for those interested in taking an ongoing campaign out of the Empire and to distant lands across the seas.
Sea of Claws contains:
A trip around the coast of the Sea of Claws, from the Marches of Couronne, to the blighted shores of the Troll Country, to the frozen territory of the Bjornlings.
A guide to manning an ocean-going vessel, ship-to-ship combat, and new approaches to trade.
A bestiary of sea creatures from the diminutive Gymmcrab to the colossal Black Leviathan.
The Seafarer Class – eight careers for those who live on the ocean or by the coast.
Rules for exciting events, worthwhile endeavors, and deadly encounters during long sea voyages.
Information on the Cult of Manann, and the worship of Stromfels.
Famed seafarers such as Arch-Sealord Vrisk Ironscratch, Wulfrik the Wanderer, Jago Roth, and Long Drong, providing profiles for these great captains, and guidance on how they might influence adventures.
This Foundry VTT module contains:
- Sea of Claws, complete with illustrations, integrated into Foundry, and searchable from within your Virtual Tabletop.
- A beautiful, full colour map of the Sea of Claws, including location descriptions, GM only and player information.
- 52 Actors, providing hirelings, example ships, and terrifying denizens of the sea
- 119 Items for everything sea related, such as Careers, Spells, Talents, Vehicle Upgrades, Miracles, and more!
- 16 Journal Entries (totalling 117 Journal Pages) detailing the various coastlines around the Sea of Claws, from noble Bretonnia to the frigid Norscan settlements, as well as extensive detail on ships, maritime trading, and so much more!
- 30 Tables for character creation and events on the high sea, as well as other random events related to sea voyages and trading
The WFRP Core Module is required for full functionality and is to be used with the Warhammer Fantasy 4th Edition System
Published by Cubicle 7
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd. © Games Workshop 2023