A FoundryVTT module that allows easy import and background image changes for variations such as GM/Player, Night, Seasonal, etc.
- Assign variations to be easily switched between
- Choose a different background to be shown to Players and GM
- Automatically find and import variations
How to setup variations
When scanning for variations, scenery works as follows:
- Based on the default image of the scene (set in core scene configuration)
- Will only look for variation images in the same directory
- Variation file names must contain the base file name of the default image, minus the extension
- Variation names will have special characters removed and any dashes or underscores converted to spaces
For example, if your default map is `maps/forest-camp/Forest-Camp.jpg`, Scenery will find the following:
Scenery will not consider the following examples to be variations of `maps/forest-camp/Forest-Camp.jpg`:
(is not in same directory)maps/forest-camp/night.jpg
(does not contain base name)maps/forest-camp/forestcamp-night.jpg
(Base name has no exact match in variation name)
Example how to set up your directory:
Method 1:
Start Foundry and head to the Add-on Modules tab.
Click Install Module.
Search for "Scenery".
Click the Install button when it comes up.
Method 2:
Start Foundry and head to the Add-on Modules tab.
Click Install Module.
Paste the following link into the "Manifest URL" field at the bottom: https://github.com/marcstraube/foundryvtt-scenery/releases/latest/download/module.json
Click Install.