Provides a method in which to build your kinetic blasts like legos to alter them with composite blasts, infusions, and metakinesis.
Has support for automatically detecting class features based on the identifier at the bottom of the details tab for each item.
- Select a token that has Kineticist class levels
- Choose the 'Actor Config' button. It should be close to where your Token Action HUD bar is, but it defaults to the top left
- After you choose some blasts and infusions, you can unselect and reselect the token and a new button to use your blast attack will appear.
- Go through the menu and build your blast.
Relavant feats and class features will be autodetected as long as the `tag` starts with `feat_` or `classFeat_`.
As of v1.2, you can add custom infusions, utility talents, blasts, metakinesis, and feats in the module settings.
Getting Started
- Select the kineticist's token, a menu should appear in the top left with 1 or 2 buttons.
- Select 'KE Config' to bring up the actor config menu. From here you can check off all the blasts/infusions/etc you have so that they will appear in the attack menu.
- Hit save to confirm your changes.
- Unselect then reselect your token. A new attack button should appear next to the config button.
- Using this menu you can build your attack then fire it off. It provides some guides to help you manage resources.
Custom Abilities
There is support for adding custom blasts, infusions, utility talents, metakinesis, and feats.
To add a custom item:
- Go to settings > Configure Settings > Kineticist Enhancements for pf1e
- Choose which custom item to add
- From this edit menu, you can set all the parameters for that particular wild talent. Note that not everything has an actual effect, but can be there for visual/sorting purposes, and may gain support in the future.
- The important bits are:
- Name: visual name
- ID: internal ID, must be unique
- Prefix/Suffix/Name Override: used to alter the name to make it make sense grammatically
- Transform: This is where the magic happens. It takes the listed parameters, runs your transformations, and outputs the updated data object and damage. You can look at the `formTransforms.js` to see examples, or below.
- Parameters:
- `instance`: the `ApplicationBlastAttack` instance
- `dmgParts`: Array of tuples of [damage value, damage description] as per how pf1 handles it
- `blastData`: The javascript object of the pf1.Item. Most edits to the attack will be in `blastData.system.actions[0]`
- `blastConfig`: static config object of the blast being fired. Can possibly be a custom blast config, otherwise found in `src/lib/generated/`
- `formData`: the form data object from the `ApplicationBlastAttack`. Contains the results of your choices in the form.
- Returns:
- `blastData`: The modified object
- `dmgParts`: The modified damage
- Example: This alters the damage, and sets it to a 10ft radius circle, and adds a reflex save. For more examples see `src/lib/blastData/`
blastData.system.actions[0].actionType = 'save';
blastData.system.actions[0].range.value = '0';
blastData.system.actions[0].measureTemplate = {
color: '',
customColor: '',
customTexture: '',
overrideColor: false,
overrideTexture: false,
size: 10,
texture: '',
type: 'circle',
blastData.system.actions[0].save = {
dc: '10 + @classes.kineticist.level + @abilities.con.mod', // Default save for blasts
description: `Reflex half`,
type: 'ref',
dmgParts[0][0] = `min(5, ceil(@classes.kineticist.level /2))d6`;
blastData.system.actions[0].ability.damageMult = 1;
return [dmgParts, blastData];
- Parameters:
- After you're done, hit save, then you can open the actor config menu and check off that you own that wild talent under the appropriate menu.
- Select your new wild talent when making the attack.