
Mythic GME Tools

An Add-on Module for Foundry Virtual Tabletop

Author: JeansenVaars Project Source Versions 12 - 12 (Verified 12.326) Last Updated 9 months ago

Mythic GME Tools for FoundryVTT

Mythic GME Tools provides everything needed for playing Solo and GM-Less games with Mythic GM Emulator and other GM Emulators with any RPG System in Foundry VTT.

Mythic rulesets: Mythic (Blue Book), Mythic Variations 1, Mythic Variations 2, Mythic 2nd Edition

Other rulesets: Game Apprentice Cards, The Adventure Crafter Cards, Plot Unfolding Machine, Game Unfolding Machine, Tricube Tales Countdown Cards

Created by: JeansenVaars



This module was made for free, with love, hard work and tons of coffee!

Table of Contents

  1. How to play
  2. Features
    1. Overview
    2. Mythic GME Tools Panel
    3. Mythic GM Emulator Rulesets
      1. GM Emulator 2nd Edition
      2. GM Emulator Blue Book
      3. Variations 1 Orange Book
      4. Variations 2 Green Book
      5. Adventure Crafter Cards
    4. Other GM Emulator Rulesets
      1. The GameMaster's Apprentice
      2. Plot Unfolding Machine
      3. Game Unfolding Machine
      4. Tricube Tales Countdown Cards
    5. The Oracle Builder
    6. Rolling your own Tables
    7. Chat and Exporting
    8. Customizing your Playstyle
    9. Saved Progress
    10. Card Decks
  3. Tips and Tricks
  4. Author
  5. License

Word Mill Games

Mythic GM Emulator Rulebook is REQUIRED to understand this material. Variations 1 and 2 are needed as well, respectively for their mechanics.

Mythic Game Master Emulator is property of Word Mill Games and this module is distributed with permission of author Tana Pigeon.

May not be commercially redistributed. Offered for free (Donations permitted and welcome to the author of this module).

Get Mythic GME Books

Larcenous Designs

GameMaster's Apprentice Cards are REQUIRED to be able to play with the GMA Panel.

GameMaster's Apprentice Cards are property of Larcenous Designs and this module does not distribute the cards themselves of author Nathan Rockwood

Get GMA Cards

Special Appreciations!

How to play

Starting from 2.5.0+, Mythic GME Tools automatically opens a panel with all mechanics ready to be played from the get-go. No setup required.


This modules provides all mythic rules in the form of Macros. You can use them in whatever RPG system you like in any world.

To manually import Macros, enable the module, and then go to the Compendiums tab, you are going to see many compendiums starting with the word Mythic. For starters, the most basic one is Mythic GME Macros. Simply drag and drop them to your Macro Hotbar at the bottom of the screen. Then, just click on them and play!


Video example






Recommended companion modules

This is an opinionated list of other Foundry VTT modules that may improve your experience and play well together with Mythic GME Tools and Solo in General

Other modules of mine


This module is developed by me (Saif Ellafi - JeansenVaars) independently, and I hold no business relationship with Word Mill Games. I (Saif Ellafi / @JeansenVaars) was given PERMISSION by Tana Pigeon to distribute this package UNDER STRICT CONSENT of non-commercial distribution within Foundry VTT only.

However you can still Invite me to a Coffee :) if you enjoy my work!

By JeansenVaars



Powered By


Thanks to JetBrains I can work on this project using WebStorm.


Custom License


Available Versions

  1. Version 2.10.2

    9 months ago
    Foundry Version 12 - 12 (Verified 12.326) Manifest URL Read Notes
  2. Version 2.9.19

    11 months, 2 weeks ago
    Foundry Version 11 - 11.315 (Verified 11.315) Manifest URL Read Notes
  3. Version 2.8.3

    Foundry Version 10 - 10 (Verified 10.291) Manifest URL Read Notes
  4. Version 2.5.16

    Foundry Version 0.8.9 - 9 (Verified 9) Manifest URL Read Notes
  5. Version 2.4.10

    Foundry Version 0.8.9 - 9 (Verified 9) Manifest URL Read Notes
  6. Version 1.5.1

    Foundry Version 0.8.9 - 0.8.9 (Verified 0.8.9) Manifest URL Read Notes