This is the Quickstart module for Root: the RPG using Foundry VTT and the Powered by the Apocalypse system package.
Root the RPG System logic
- Actor Sheets for: Characters, Clearings, NPCs,
- Item Sheets for: Moves, Background Questions, Playbooks, EQ, Connections, Drives, Natures, Roguish Feats
- Roll mechanics for Moves
- Reputation tracking
- Resource Tracking
Pre-made Items
- All the Basic Moves
- All the Basic Weapon Moves
- All the Basic Weapon Skills
- All the Basic Travel Moves
- All the Session Moves
- All the Reputation Moves
- 4 of the Core Playbooks:
- The Adventurer
- The Arbiter
- The Harrier
- The Ranger
- Playbook Moves, Connections, Backgrounds needed for the included Playbooks
- Equipment, Drives, Natures and Roguish Feats needed for the included Playbooks

The Powered by the Apocalypse (PbtA) System package, created by Asacolips is a prerequisite for this module
How To
- Start a new world using the PbtA system.
- Ignore the popup from PbtA and activate the module.
- The content will appear in your compendiums and can be used from there or imported into the other directories.
Issues and Troubleshooting
If you encounter an issue with this module, please use the MetaMorphic Support Portal. A changelog can similarly be found here.