Pocket Change
Automatically adds currency to NPCs based on their Challenge Rating (CR) when they are placed on the scene.
- Configurable Currency Generation: Starting with a base amount of coin using the creature's CR, the module features a highly configurable pocket change generation system.
- Creature Type Filtering: Specify which creature types can receive coins (e.g., humanoid, beast, monstrosity)
- Probability Settings: Random profiles to have pocket change variance for creatures. Penniless (no coin), Squalid (1/10th the coin), Poor (1/2 the coin), Wealthy (double the coin), Rich (triple the coin)
- Ignore Existing Currency: Option to skip NPCs that already have currency
Random Loot
Automatically adds items to NPCs from rollable tables based on their creature type and CR.
- Creature Type Tables: Configure which rollable tables to use for different creature types and even subtypes.
- CR Range Filtering: Set different loot tables based on CR ranges
- Better Tables Integration: Compatible with the Better Tables module for more advanced loot assignment. Multiple of the same items and multi-table rolling.