A Horde of New 5th Edition Monsters!

DM: “A collection of hundreds of eyes floats down the corridor toward you, dripping caustic fluid that sizzles when it hits the ground. What do you do?”
PLAYER: “I retire and become a farmer.”
Whether you need dungeon vermin or world-shaking villains, Tome of Beasts 1 (2023 Edition) has it. This book presents over 400 foes suitable for any campaign setting—from tiny drakes and peculiar spiders to demon lords and ancient dragons.
Tome of Beasts 1 (2023 Edition) introduces new foes and upgrades monsters that originally appeared in Tome of Beasts, including:
Updates to include errata and streamline mechanics.
Eleven new creatures like the ashwalker, planewatcher, and the ancient cave dragon.
Eleven legacy creatures from the first edition of Tome of Beasts are updated for the FoundryVTT 5e system.
Expanded tables by creature challenge, type, and terrain are available as a journal.
New monster & token art — and much more!
Give your players encounters they won’t soon forget. Now easier to run than ever!
This conversion for FoundryVTT includes:
Fantastic Creatures: Over 400 unique and setting-agnostic 5e critters with unique portraits, tokens, biographies, and lore to expand your world. Every piece of art is high resolution and optimized for delivery over the web, so it looks as good as your imagination.
- Beautiful New Tokens where the artwork explodes out of the frame.
- Details at Your Fingertips: Every attack, ability, resistance, vulnerability, and special feature is fully detailed with a click from any character sheet.
- Build Your Own Baddies: Easily select from the over 2,800 features, items, or abilities available from existing creatures, drag and drop them onto a new critter, and build out your own fantastic creation.
- Wide Variety: Many longtime Kobold Press favorites, such as clockwork creatures, drakes and dragons, devils and demons, dangerous flavors of the fey, loads of plants that want to eat you, and much more!
- Easy Summoning: No more rooting through the book to find the creature your character is summoning. Just click on the creature from the description and it pops up!
- Dynamic Abilities: Toggle certain effects on or off — change AC, add a d4 to rolls, and much more.
- Speed Up Combat: With just a few clicks, you can make an attack, roll for damage, request a saving throw, and apply damage or healing to a creature. You can even automatically track resource usage for legendary actions and resistances.
- Spend More Time Roleplaying: Nothing breaks immersion quite like finding the right die and remembering the correct modifier in the middle of a tense scene. With a single click, you can roll any ability check regularly or at advantage/disadvantage, and it automatically adds the correct values.
- Meta-Gaming Protection: Easily send descriptions of abilities to the chat that don’t give away the mechanics or roll privately to keep your players waiting with bated breath.
Use these creatures in your favorite published setting or populate the dungeons in a world of your own creation.
Pick up Tome of Beasts I (2023 Edition) and give your players an encounter they won’t soon forget!
Purchase in the Kobold Press Store
Requirements: A licensed version of Foundry Virtual Tabletop and the DND5e – Fifth Edition System game system installed in Foundry (Dynamic Action Effects and MIDI QOL modules are recommended).
What is included: A premium content registration key. Additional details are available here.
Foundry Conversion: Clayton Thomson
Tome of Beasts 1 2023 Change Log
- Verified for FVTT v12
- Initial Release