Improved RollTable sheet that adds weight normalization button, drag&drop re-ordering, and ProseMirror description editor for both the table itself and results.
Weight normalization
Generates appropriate weight value to results based on range, as opposed to doing the inverse with base sheet.
Drag & drop re-ordering
Allows drag & dropping results to re-order them.
This involves above weight normalization being called automatically as ordering is based on ranges, and doing it without weights is unnecessarily difficult, so make sure this is intended.
ProseMirror description editor
Replaces <textarea>
main description editor with ProseMirror.
This can be briefly toggled back to the old with the button on the right.
Text result rich editor
Allows editing a text result in ProseMirror.
Enhanced Scrolling
The result header is no longer scrolled out of view.
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