
Jail Break Adventure

An Add-on Module for Foundry Virtual Tabletop

Author: TommyMc Project Source Versions 11.315+ (Verified 12.327) Last Updated 7 months ago

Jail Break - Adventure on the Island of Adventure

Jail Break is an adventure set in my sandbox module The Island of Adventure.

It is a PF2e adventure with no levels set for the NPCs, so the DM can determine as they see fit what challenge they want to set the party.

A robbery and murder has been committed by a well meaning local hero standing up for the rights of farmers. He is being held in The Keep prison and is awaiting the hangmans noose.

Cartwright the grocer knows the hero and has been contacted by the farmers who have promised to pay for the hire of adventurers to free the hero and see justice done.

Also included in this adventure

  1. Battle Map of the Keep's Prison
  2. Battle Map of the Keep's Gate towers
  3. Battle Map of the Keep's Tavern
  4. Battle Map of the Keep's Underground Thieves Guild
  5. Names and descriptions for the NPCs
  6. Tokens for key NPCs

More to come


Lookout for the following additional adventures


This Foundry VTT Adventure is intended to be free to use.

The island is a place for adventure based on my own D&D campaign centered around the D&D module series B - The search for adventure.

The adventure portraits, tokens, text and maps have been produced by Tom McCafferty using Paint Dot Net, Dungeondraft, Unreal Engine and DR free snapshots which allow commercial use of content created with them.

This module contains...

15 x Actors, 1 x Journal Entries, 4 x Scenes and 3 x Folders

Some references have been made to the Foundry VTT DnD5e Game System but no art work or tokens are included. These artwork file references have been included in the packaging of the adventure to indicate the monsters and items the DM should use. This art work is provided by Fantasy Art and the FA -  Fan-Content License seems to indicate that it is okay to deploy references these tokens.


Community Contributions

Comments and content contributions are welcome. Please feel free to submit issues to the issue tracker or submit merge requests for code changes.

Supported Game Systems

  1. Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition

    Latest Version: Version 4.3.3 Last Updated 4 days, 19 hours ago


Available Versions

  1. Version 1.0.0

    7 months ago
    Foundry Version 11.315+ (Verified 12.327) Manifest URL Read Notes