Animated Battlemaps
A collection of animated and static battlemaps for Modern, Wild West and Post-Apocalypse settings. Each map is in 4K resolution and has preconfigured walls, lights and sounds. Almost all maps versions with different lights and environment (Day, Night, Sunset, Storm, Winter, etc). This package contains third part of the collection
This package is exclusive for Hologrounds Patrons (Wild Card tier), you can support my Patreon page by the link and get access to it. Also you can download free Hologrounds pack, it contains 5 maps with preconfigured walls, lights and sounds.
List of Maps:
- Secret Base Corridor Abandoned
- Secret Base Prison
- Secret Base Prison Abandoned
- Secret Base Portal Room
- Secret Base Portal Room Abandoned
- Secret Base Server Room
- Secret Base Server Room Abandoned
- Underground Submarine Dock
- Underground Submarine Dock Abandoned
- Landing Pad
- Cryolab
You can find more animated battlemaps on my Patreon and Gumroad.