A Quality of Life module to improve the harvesting and looting experience. Allows users to Harvest and Loot dead bodies to acquire parts or currency.
Can automatically give harvested items and looted currency to actors if specified. Different skill checks based on the different monster types.
Currently adds a large database of ~800 monsters to harvest.

Looks up the creature in the parts table and prompts the harvester to roll a respective skill check, and based on the result and the monster's item DC different components are given.
For instance, a Boar would prompt a Nature skill check and has the following drops:
- DC 5: Boar Tusks
- DC 10: Boar Hide
Looks up the dead creature in the Loot RollTable, rolls a d100 for the rarity of the loot found, then rolls that amount of looted currency, there is no skill check.
For instance, a Banshee has the following drops (d100 roll):
- 1-30: 5d6 Copper
- 31-60: 4d6 Silver
- 61-70: 3d6 Electrum
- 71-95: 3d6 Gold
- 96-100: 1d6 Platinum
- The module looks up the Actor name for both Harvesting and Looting, so the Actor name must be the creature name to function correctly.
- The easiest way to check if a monster is included is to browse the "Loot" RollTable.
- Now includes Compatibility with Better Roll Tables for the Harvest Action
- Follow this guide to add custom Harvest and Loot tables for Foundry V11 Versions
- All custom entries will override any default ones (if you wish to change the default DC's or skill checks you can do so)
- For Foundry V10 versions it follows almost the exact same format except:
- "Custom" Compendium isn't persistent (will be overwritten on update)
- An alternative workaround for the above point is that you can specify your own compendium to use as a custom harvest dictionary.
- There are currently no custom loot tables, you will need to put them inside the Loot compendium itself, which is also not persistent.
Requires socketlib and requestor to function correctly (used to apply the relevant harvested/looted effects and prompt the harvest checks in chat)