This module enable GURPS compatible shapes and movment for larger (multi hex) tokens and adds some Tools for gridless play to the GURPS Game Aid System. It was formerly named "Tools for Gridless GURPS" but the functionalty expanded to hex shapes an movemnt on hex grid maps.:
- Replaces the border shown on the selected token and on mouse hover on a token with a border indicating facing.
- Displays an indicator for reach and front, side, back angles on a key press (Default: R for the current token, shift + R for all tokens). You can change the key binds under "configure Controls" in Foundry.
- Support for non square tokens and all token sizes with proper Gurps movement (centered on the head of the creature with the body following). See below how to set up the token.
- Draw hex borders on Hex-Grids and enable proper GURPS movement on Hex-Grids (Version 0.7.0). To do that, I had to introduce my own token settings instead of some standard foundry settings. This will change the setup for all tokens in all scenes in the world. Therefore this has to be explizitly enabled in the module settings. Disabeling will restore the originl state. It is important to disable the setting bevor disabeling or deinstalling the module, otherwise the token settings will be messed up. If that happens, reinstall the module and disable the setting before deinstalling. Version 3.26.5 or higher of the About Face module is nessesary for correct movements on hex maps.
The Module requires the GURPS Game Aid System and the About Face Module.
Tips for gridless play
In the Foundry scene set the Grid Type to gridless, the Grid Scale to 1, the Grid Unit to Yd and the Grid Size to the number of pixel for 1 yard. Note that most maps for foundry are made with an unrealistic large scale to allow play with the 5 feet grid of DnD. That is in most cases unnecessary for GURPS gridless play. I usually set the number of pixels given for one DnD 5 feet square for 1 yard and get a realistic scale. Individual maps may require adjustments.
See the mdule home page for detailed instructions for token setup.