This module adds an additional character sheet to the GURPS Game Aid
Main Features:
- Focus only on in-game use, not on character creation, points, etc.
- Thematic tabs that displays just the information needed in common game situations: Combat, Exploration & Stealth, Social, Technical & Research, Powers & Magic.Skills and traits are categorized to appear on the appropriate tab. Anything not coverd by the regular tabs will appear on the Others tab.
- You can choose what weapon you grip with each hand. For weapons with different grips (e.g. one-handed vr. two-hnaded), these can be selected. Attacks and defences by weapons not griped are shown in a lighter color, but at still selectable by default. You can chose not to display them at all in the options.
- Many OTF appropriate to the character and the situation displayed at various sections of the sheet. You can add your on in the configuration, both globaly and per character. Also modificators from any conditions are displayed direclty on the sheet.
- If you traget an token, the hit locations and any target modifier of the targeted token are displayed on the combat tab.
- Roll on Tables for criticals and reactions directly from the sheet. (The roll tables are not included, you need to set them up yourself and provide the roll table names in the configuration).