
Elven Tower - The Axe of Dreams

An Add-on Module by Elven Tower

Content Provider: Elven Tower Author: Elven Tower Purchase Here Versions 11+ (Verified 11) Last Updated 1 year ago

The Axe of Dreams

In The Axe of Dreams, a level-0 Shadowdark gauntlet, a large percentage of the population of Spearhome has experienced strange dreams where they wield a magical axe. With this arcane artifact, their dreams and aspirations come to fruition in the land of dreams. Those who experienced the most vivid oneiric visions also feel an unavoidable urge to visit a narrow cavern near town. A small expedition sets out to visit the place.

When the characters arrive, they find an obsidian gate that had always barred passage now open. It leads them to a bygone crypt where a mighty hero of the past was interred hundreds of years ago. The trespassing peasants must make use of their creativity and resourcefulness to overcome the deathly challenges in the dungeon. In the end, only one of them shall reach the legendary axe and become its new master. They shall soon find it doesn't come without cost.

This gauntlet adventure leads the lowly peasants into a dangerous crypt, pits them against undead forces from the past, and allows them to retrieve a mighty artifact that shall change their lives forever. They shall soon become the writers of history in the modern world.

Elven Tower Cartography features full-colored, hand-drawn, digital maps, and professionally produced adventures for DND5e.


How Does the Patreon Integration System Work?

All you have to do is log into your Foundry VTT account and link your Patreon account. If you support the creator at the correct tier you'll be able to install the world using the normal Foundry VTT package installer. Here are the steps to link your account:

  1. Support Elven Tower’s Patreon at the Foundry VTT Architect tier here:
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About Us

Elven Tower Cartography features full-colored, hand-drawn, digital maps. Benefit from Foundry VTT’s great wall delimitation and illumination to make the best of your campaign.

Check out Elven Tower on Patreon. Get access to more than 700 maps, adventures, and our ever-growing Foundry VTT content. Join the Denizens of the Elven Tower!

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Supported Game Systems

  1. Shadowdark RPG

    Latest Version: Version 3.3.1 Last Updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago


Available Versions

  1. Version 1.0.0

    1 year ago
    Foundry Version 11+ (Verified 11) Manifest URL