
Echoes of the Void - 5e Adventure

An Add-on Module for Foundry Virtual Tabletop

Author: That Italian Guy Project Source Versions 11+ (Verified 11) Last Updated 1 year ago

In "Echoes of the Void," the adventurers find themselves drawn into a village plagued by mysterious disappearances. As they investigate, they uncover a sinister peril involving interdimensional creatures from the Void. The source of these eldritch horrors is an abandoned tower ruin hidden within the nearby forest, where a forgotten relic weakens the veil between dimensions.

The adventurers must investigate the village and the surrounding countryside, piecing together clues to the nature of the threat and its source. Along the way, they encounter frightened villagers, haunted landscapes, and the lingering echoes of the Void's influence.

Their journey leads them to the abandoned tower ruin, where they confront not only the Void Invader and its Spawns but also the perilous artifact responsible for weakening the barriers between worlds. To save the village and restore the fabric of reality, the adventurers must defeat the creatures and neutralize the artifact.


This adventure was written for and published on the Dungeon Dynamics blog.

All Art from Lion Banner Games is their property and is not Open Content. This work includes material from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Reference to copyright material in no way constitutes a challenge to the respective copyright holder of that material.

The Foundry Version includes assets created with Dungeon Alchemist and is distributed as Open Content within the limits included in their FAQ.

Please note that this has been tested with dnd5e v2.4. The Actors included in the adventure may not properly work with dnd5e v3+

Supported Game Systems

  1. Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition

    Latest Version: Version 4.3.6 Last Updated 1 week, 2 days ago


Available Versions

  1. Version 1.0

    1 year ago
    Foundry Version 11+ (Verified 11) Manifest URL Read Notes