This module adds small quality of life features, focusing especially on compatibility with DDB Gamelog by Warhead, but with some features usable without that module.
- The template auto-targets tokens in the area of placement - choose all tokens, non-friendly tokens or none;
- If you select "Dark" style mode on either Foundry or DDB Gamelog configurations, all chat cards will follow that style;
- Makes some chat card style / formatting changes for clarity and for saving space;
- Auto skips Foundry roll configuration window (press "shift" to show dialog). Configurable via settings;
- [ DDB Gamelog only ] Adds support for activities in DnD 4.0.3 - 4.1.2 when rolling with DDB Gamelog module (from D&D Beyond website or app);
- [ DDB Gamelog only ] Support for JB2A / Automated Animations for spells and attacks (no need to check integration on DDB Gamelog settings);
- [ DDB Gamelog only ] Spells rolled from DDB which have templates will auto-trigger its template placement in Foundry;
- [ DDB Gamelog only ] The template can be auto-removed after damage is rolled (configurable in settings);
- [ DDB Gamelog only ] After rolling leveled spells you will get a button on chat card to consume or refund a spell slot for that spell on the player's sheet (Note: currently consumes the original level of the spell);
- [ DDB Gamelog only ] If the spell has a saving throw, you'll also get the native button to roll the saving throw for selected tokens;
DDB Bridge allows users to take advantage of core Foundry and DnD5e features like application of effects and quick buttons while using DDB Gamelog to roll from D&D Beyond. It also adds quality of life features such as template auto-targetting and Dark Mode style for chat cards. There are other automation features in sight for those who like to use DDB Gamelog to roll from D&D Beyond website or app.
While Carolingian DDB Bridge module is free to use and distribute, DDB Gamelog has a Free tier and a Pro tier with different features. The features of my module specific to DDB Gamelog will only work for Pro tier users of Warhead. Some other features like the chat card dark mode and template auto-target do not depend on Gamelog Pro tier.
**IMPORTANT:** This module is not developed by Warhead from D&D Beyond Gamelog. If you have issues please use the Github issue tracker to request help.
- The module is currently **NOT** compatible with Midi-QOL (I'll try to make it compatible once midi v12 releases officially);
- The module is currently compatible with Ready Set Roll 5e v3.x (which will only work for rolls made from within Foundry);
- If you use other modules which modify rolls or chat messages, please check compatibility before using on your games;
- This module is not compatible with versions of Foundry before v12 and DnD5e v4.x;
For future planned features and feature requests, please check the Github repository.