Cauldron of Plentiful Resources (Chris's Premades)
A collection of automated items including spells, class features, monster features, etc., mechanics to make those possible, and quality-of-life based extensions for a high-automation Midi-QOL based D&D5e environment. Compendiums included in this module do not include item's descriptions. While this module has several module dependencies by different authors, do not pester tposney or any other module authors with bugs or issues related to this module. Bug reports and large module implementation requests may be made on the GitHub. Faster support and feature requests can be accessed on the Discord server.
Some animations included are from Eskiemoh (used with permission).
Extended information on the module including a current FAQ, Getting Started, and feature information is available on the Cauldron of Plentiful Resources Wiki. The wiki provides explanations, pictures, and examples that can answer most questions about the module.
Required Modules:
- Midi-Qol
- Dynamic Active Effects
- Jules & Ben's Animated Assets
- Sequencer
- Socket Lib
- Time's Up
Optional Supported Modules:
- Gambit's Premades
- Midi Item Showcase Community
- Universal Animations
- Animated Spell Effects: Cartoon
- Visual Active Effects
- D&D Beyond Importer
- Tidy5e Sheet
- Token Magic FX
Main Features:
- Compendiums of automated spells, items, class features, and more.
- Title bar button that provides an interface to apply and configure included automations.
- Fancy animations created by Eskiemoh for some automations, using Patreon JB2A and Animated Spell Effects: Cartoon.
- Custom roll resolver for manual rolls, designed for in-person games.
- Custom API extending from Midi-QOL's workflow that allows for precise event timing and automation of overlapping spell effects.
- Public API for running custom macros.
- Various optional quality-of-life user-interface extentions.
- Effect changes including automatic descriptions, status effect icon changes, and application of relevant Midi-QOL flags to status effects.
- Custom effect interface to store and apply custom effects.
- Optional and Homebrew mechanics including DMG Cleave, Exploding Heals, and BG3 Weapon Actions.
- Automatic character backups.