
Cavern Crawls 5 Pack (#026 - #030)

An Add-on Module by Grim Press

Content Provider: Grim Press Author: Grim Press Purchase Here Versions 11+ (Verified 11) Last Updated 10 months, 1 week ago

This package contains art or text produced using generative AI.

Cavern Crawls 5 Pack (#026 – #030)embracing the void cover

Cavern Crawls are "5-room" dungeons that can be easily dropped into any long-running campaign or run as a one-shot.

This pack contains five dungeon delves for use with Foundry VTT, each including a unique monster, magic item, and battle map (with Dynamic Line of Sight).


Cavern Crawl #026 - Crystal Frost

Something has taken over the Winter Consort's private interdimensional space. It's her childhood refuge and current retreat from worldly concerns. She's offering a reward to have it back.

Cavern Crawl #026 - Crystal Frost is a 5th Edition compatible 3rd level adventure for four to six players, containing the following content:

  • New Monster: Plane Borer
  • New Magic Item: Ice Band
  • Detailed Battle Map: Player map with Line of Sight & a GM numbered map
  • Unique Art throughout the adventure


Cavern Crawl #027 - Forgotten Depths

Strange disturbances unsettle a secluded mountain village, with rumors of a dragon's awakening spreading fear. Scholar Thandor calls upon your renowned band of adventurers to investigate, providing a map to hidden depths beneath the Dragonspire Mountains. Unveil the truth, confront looming dangers, and decide the fate of the village.
Cavern Crawl #027 - Forgotten Depths is a 5th Edition compatible 6th level adventure for four to six players, containing the following content:
  • New Monster: Vorathrix
  • New Magic Item: Dragonclaw Gauntlet
  • Detailed Battle Map: Player map with Line of Sight & a GM numbered map
  • Unique Art throughout the adventure


Cavern Crawl #028 - Dragon Hunter

In a world where ancient artifacts hold great power, a relentless hunter and a powerful protector are on a collision course. The players will discover a malevolent force lurking within an enigmatic artifact. With destinies entwined, the quest for power takes a dark turn in a battle where the line between ally and adversary blurs. Will they survive, or will they become pawns in a game of power and corruption?

Cavern Crawl #028 - Dragon Hunter is a 5th Edition compatible 15th level adventure for four to six players, containing the following content:

  • New Monster: Daerin, Dragon Hunter
  • New Magic Item: Draconic Heart Shard
  • Detailed Battle Map: Player map with Line of Sight & a GM numbered map
  • Unique Art throughout the adventure


Cavern Crawl #029 - Deadly Drake

An apex predator has taken up residence in the cliffs above Whisperbrook, a peaceful village of nature loving elves. Their magic is tailored towards crafting and healing, not dealing with this. Experienced help is wanted!

Cavern Crawl #029 - Deadly Drake is a 5th Edition compatible 5th level adventure for four to six players, containing the following content:

  • New Monster: Phase Drake
  • New Magic Item: Swarm Bow
  • Detailed Battle Map: Player map with Line of Sight & a GM numbered map
  • Unique Art throughout the adventure


Cavern Crawl #030 - Shivering Palace

A tricksy fey creature enlists the the help of adventures to rid the Fey Queen's Shivering Palace of vile monsters, but what mischief is she really planning?

Cavern Crawl #030 - Shivering Palace is a 5th Edition compatible 3rd level adventure for four to six players, containing the following content:

  • New Monster: Frozen Zombie
  • New Magic Item: Champion's Aegis
  • Detailed Battle Map: Player map with Line of Sight & a GM numbered map
  • Unique Art throughout the adventure


Purchase on the Grim Press Store or DriveThruRPG.

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Supported Game Systems

  1. Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition

    Latest Version: Version 4.3.6 Last Updated 1 week, 2 days ago


Available Versions

  1. Version 11.0.0

    10 months, 1 week ago
    Foundry Version 11+ (Verified 11) Manifest URL