
Ariadne's SRD

An Add-on Module by Ariadne's Codex of Strings LLC

Content Provider: Ariadne's Codex of Strings LLC Author: Ariadne Purchase Here: Project URL Versions 9+ (Verified 12) Last Updated 3 months ago

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Ariadne's SRD

Hello, brave Threadseekers! Welcome to Foundry Virtual Tabletop!

This module includes the content that is available in the System Reference Document released by Ariadne's Codex of Strings, featuring a selection of curated sourcebook content taken from more than 1000+ pages.

For more top-notch premium 5e-compatible content, make sure to check our website and our patreon!

In this System Reference Document, you will find:

Character Options

Spice up the species in your world! The wise Batraiki, the semi-eternal Celesari, the ruthless Cetkar, the relentless Misbegotten, or the magical Teng Scion are waiting to be discovered! You will also take your character creation to the next level, with an exquisite selection of 5 subclasses: the unpredictable Bard College of Fools, the grim Dread Hunter Martial Archetype, the mighty Teng Bloodline Sorcerous Origin, the ominous Otherworldly Patron of The Tower, and the blazing Way of Strength Monastic Tradition. All of the above mentioned species and subclasses are available for further deep reading in their included journal pages.

Ariadne's House Rules

In our System Reference Document, we present our tried and true house rules, playtested by many different D&D groups and refined over the years. We have been playing with these for the past few years, and have tweaked them as we went along, until we published them in their respective sourcebooks. One of our most acclaimed additions, the revised sanity rules add much needed mechanical depth to mental health in the tabletop. Learn about our new conditions, such as the complex Congelation, delving deep into the effects of frost magic. Feel free to implement these rules as you see fit, they can be added right in the middle of an ongoing campaign, or included from character creation.

The Universe of Strings

Take a deep dive into the lore of the Codex of Strings! Learn about the Age of the Gods, the War of Eternity, and the origin of the City of Strings! To further your understanding of the universe, you can easily access a variety of journal entries and get to know better the Planes of Existence, the Elemental Realms, and so much more. The highly immersive story will make you fall in love with the famous Threadseekers, and you can quickly consult the Table of Gods, Titans, and Other Entities for key information during your games.

Gameplay Automation

The subclasses, races, monsters, conditions and even Omniturgy (yes, our very own Spellcasting School) are integrated into the Foundry Virtual Tabletop's Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Game System, to facilitate character creation and further immerse the players into the Universe of Strings.

Supported Game Systems

  1. Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition

    Latest Version: Version 4.1.2 Last Updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago


Available Versions

  1. Version 1.1.0

    3 months ago
    Foundry Version 9+ (Verified 12) Manifest URL