# Bonus Die
Bonus Die is a Foundry VTT module that allows the GM to give players 'Bonus Dice' that can be expended at will or traded by the players.
Expending a bonus die will trigger a chat message. This messages are costumizable and feature keywords that will be automaticly replaced.
## Instalation
This module can be installed from the Foundry VTT module browser or installed from the `module.json` file available in the latest release
## Keywords
The complete list of keywords that are replaced is:
- [$player] - will be replaced by the name of the player that has triggered the message
- [$otherPlayer] - will be replaced by the target of an action (example in the default message of gifting a bonus die it is replaced by the recipient of the gift)
- [$bonusDie] - will be replaced by the name of the bonus dice (configurable in the settings tab)