

Ember's Original Ancestries

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Hello everyone! Today, I thought I'd spend some time talking about ancestries! Both the Kickstarter video and the recent play-through of Ember over on the Glass Cannon Network show off Embers unique choices for players, but it's a little hard to read the text without zooming in and pausing. Below is the same information but in a nice readable format!

I imagine reading this leaves you with so many questions and excitement to delve into the world, start making characters, or explore the mysterious historical hints and references. Stay tuned for later in September, when I will be hosting an AMA focused on the lore on the Foundry discord!

Creative Director and Lorekeeper

Ancestry Overview

Ancestry describes your biological heritage, defines certain physical attributes of your character, and provides some signature features that are unique to characters of that Ancestry. There are 16 ancestries available to choose from in Ember which are described in detail in the entry of the Setting Compendium. In addition, there are Aster as well, which is something we are still working on mechanically, but it's more like an addition to your starting ancestry and a choice with interesting consequences.

As the first step of character creation, you will select your Ancestry. Each Ancestry has its own unique origin story and connection to the lore. Some ancestries are biologically compatible, and it is not uncommon for characters in Ember to have a mixed ancestral heritage. You are welcome to describe your character as having mixed ancestry, however, you must still select one Ancestry that defines the mechanical benefits and features that apply to your character.

These ancestries are used for player characters in Ember both under the Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition rules and under the Crucible game system.


An Example Altyra


Altyra came into being during the events of the Virulent Plague which mysteriously transformed large numbers of afflicted Humans into a strange new ancestry. This transmutation somehow hardened Altyra against afflictions, leaving them extremely resilient against diseases and poisons that typically affect other mortals of the world. Altyra have burnished skin that shimmers subtly with a metallic gleam and is often unmarred by blemishes or age. Even more remarkably, in moments of great stress an Altyra can alter their bodies into an awe inspiring or terrible transformation, where shining symbols of light appear over their faces and their limbs assume dangerous or practical forms.

An Example Ashka


Ashka are a serpentine and amphibious ancestry originally created by the goddess Scoris during the Age of Beasts. The Ashka lived as an insular society for thousands of years, rarely traveling beyond the shores of their homelands. A diaspora that followed the decline of their ancient civilization resulted in the Ashka integrating into other cultures, often those which celebrate a close relationship with water. Ashka are generally tall and slender with scaled skin, remarkable eyesight, and innate adaptability to aquatic environments. Because of their rarity and snakelike appearance they are occasionally mistaken for Aster by those unfamiliar with their unique history.

An Example Cor'ak


Cor'ak are a formidable ancestry descended from primordial leviathans which ruled the distant mountainous continent of Akazea.. Large in size and stout of constitution, they are among the eldest and most resilient ancestries of Ember. Cor'ak are quite rare outside of Akazea, but they are immediately recognizable by their hulking proportions, dense metallic hide, and their radial horn crests. Cor'ak fortitude stems from their preternatural hide which is infused with metallic compounds and earthen energy as well as their extraordinary ability to heal themselves from grievous wounds.

An Example Drakon


Drakon are an incredibly young ancestry, emerging less than a century ago in the aftermath of the infamous Night of Swords that took place in the heart of the Tayan Empire. Drakon tend to be inquisitive and fearless as they possess both an inherent innocence and a resolute ability to withstand hardship. It is clear to the other people of Ember that Drakon are somehow connected to Dragons, but it is also clear they have little in common apart from the physical characteristics of scales, horns, and tails. Their curiosity and fascination with the world around them is endearing and refreshing to many.

An Example Fej


Fej were originally crafted by the ancient goddess Naor from the fires of Ragen to spread beauty and passion throughout Ember. They were later reshaped by Naor's daughter Lumé to be stalwart warriors of flame and fury against the horrors of the unrelenting undead known as the Blood Barons. Fej are known for the fiery glow in their veins and the coal-like sheen of their skin. Fej are remarkable for their ability to withstand heat and rapidly metabolize energy into preternatural bursts of energy, although they have a notable disfavor of deep water which can temporarily quench their inner flame.

An Example Hulg'run


The Hulg'run were once non-sapient stone constructs created by the Shent, an ancient culture of Giants. They were created to navigate the smaller spaces and tunnels beneath the mountains that Giants could not reach themselves. Hulg'run all share aspects of their original rock-like appearance, but each Hulg'run can slowly morph their body to assume different shapes, hues, and adornments over a long period of time. Most Hulg'run appear to be composed of rock and mineral materials ranging from common granite to exotic volcanic rock or even vibrant gemstones. Hulg'run maintain a deep spiritual connection to the world of Ember itself and instinctually draw power from the Heart of Ember to restore their bodies and spirit.

An Example Human


Humans of Ember are a dynamic and capable ancestry which thrive by adapting quickly to new environments, situations, and problems. Over the past three thousand years, Humans have spread across the majority of the Aterican supercontinent and beyond. Humans have accomplished tremendous feats in a relatively short time; creating massive cities, establishing kingdoms and empires, and exploring uncharted reaches of the world. Such is the prominence of Humans in the world today that the current era is known as the Age of Discovery. Much like the Aedir Empire before them, Humans have integrated numerous other ancestries into their cultures and are a varied, diverse, and relentless people.

An Example Keth


Keth are a diminutive and excitable ancestry, with strong spiritual ties to the mysterious moon of Orbis. They were originally created by the ancient Giants of the Shent culture to preserve their spiritual legacy after they foresaw their own destruction during the events of the Abyssal Shear. The Keth are small in stature with unmistakable thick wooly neck hair and monstrous jaws hidden behind wide smiles. After their creation, the Keth spread both east and west of the Giants Mountains, establishing two separate and distinctly different cultures in the Kithil and the Striders. Keth have a reputation for being unpredictable, often finding a way to turn a challenging situation in their favor.

An Example Kiska


Kiska are an enigmatic and mysterious ancestry with deep connections to the Casia of Primordis. Kiska have long and dense manes of shimmering hair, penetrating gleaming eyes, and powerful sinewy limbs. These physical features bear resemblance to their Casia ancestors, but the primary characteristic they inherited is how deeply attuned they are to the mystical nature of Primordis. All Kiska can manipulate an instinctual form of shadowy magic that enables them to blend into the gloom or to spring nimbly into or away from danger. Kiska appearance and biology make them one of the most striking and bewitching ancestries of Ember.

An Example Kivahr


Kivahr are direct descendants of the ancient Giants of the Shent culture, created as a last resort after the Shent foresaw the calamitous events of the Abyssal Shear. They are physically powerful and mentally resolute, sharing physical characteristics with their larger ancestors but also extremely strange internal biology that seems to be designed with meticulous and mysterious intent. Kivahr are among the taller ancestries upon the surface of Ember and their height coupled with their powerfully muscled builds are often an imposing sight to behold. Kivahr have a remarkable ability to withstand physical duress and to focus their ordered minds during stressful situations, harnessing their mental and physical stamina to accomplish tremendous feats of perseverance.

An Example Nir'ae


Nir'ae were once a far-reaching ancestry that formed the backbone of the world-spanning Aedir Empire which expanded outward from the central continent of the Starshield. Nir'ae are remarkable for their biological familiarity with magic and affinity to cosmological energies. Their strange eyes allow them to detect the presence of magic,see through arcane illusions, and guide their actions with rare prescience. Nir'ae bodies are covered in iridescent birthmarks that reflect and resonate with magic, often glittering with power when casting spells. The broken tower at the center of the world is an ever-visible reminder of the tarnished legacy of the Aedir and of the Nir'ae who are inextricably linked to its cataclysmic destruction. They are now among Ember's rarest ancestries; most folk regard them with both fascination and distrust in equal measure.

An Example Signborn


Signborn are a distinctly strange and otherworldly ancestry created by the Daemos during the Age of Sunlight. Signborn inherit a strong affinity for Glyphs from their Daemos creators, possessing a unique magical language which they can use to communicate with others. All Signborn manifest vivid ethereal limbs which are partially functional and augment their physical and magical capabilities. Signborn also sport thin horns upon their heads, sharpened teeth, and long whip-like tails at the base of their spines which gives them an unnervingly monstrous appearance. Their bright personalities contrast this outward menace, as Signborn are often keenly curious and selflessly helpful.

An Example Thornling


Thornlings are diminutive sapient plants, cultivated by the god Lightfeet during the Age of Beasts and imbued by their creator with tenacious adaptability and subconscious wanderlust. Thornlings have a reputation for being impulsive and chaotic, but also good-natured with a fondness for humor. Their small stature and enchanting beady eyes sometimes lead them to be perceived as delicate and endearing - but Thornlings are also highly resilient and tough, with thick thorny bark that protects them from most dangers. Thornlings find a way to thrive in almost any environment, adapting and growing to meet the needs of their surroundings.

An Example Vrjnhar


Vrjnhar are stocky and barrel-chested descendants of the Jarn, adapted to harsh and unforgiving life after centuries living inside the body of a colossal oceanic Leviathan. Vrjnhar are the ultimate survivalists; they benefit from biological adaptations allowing them to survive extreme conditions by drawing on remarkable reserves of stamina and durability. Their most distinguishing feature are their magnificent beards that all Vrjnhar grow from hair that is thick and strong as steel. The largest concentration of Vrjnhar on Ember is upon the ancient land of Oakengard where they form the foundation of Oaken culture.

An Example Wirrun


Wirrun are a tall and slender ancestry that originated from fiendish servants of Signara which were infused with mortal life by the goddess Sokali. They retain a predator's visage with several alarming physical traits; a wicked grin of needle-sharp teeth and lanky limbs ending in fearsome claws. They are thickly furred across their heads and bodies with oversized ears capable of precise detection even during furious blizzards. While Wirrun can live up to their threatening demeanor, most have a reputation as friendly travelers, guides, and trackers. They are most at home within the coldest reaches of Ember far to the north of the great Aterican continent and the largest concentration of Wirrun dwell in the great migratory city of Rimedrift which floats upon the Hoarfrost Sea.

An Example Zeph


Zeph are masked beings who mainly occupy the tempestuous surface and hollow core of Aura, the elemental moon of air. Marked by their unique arcane masks and swirling vaporous forms, these uncanny windfolk seldom leave their homeland. They are among the rarest of ancestries to encounter upon the surface of Ember. Each Zeph's mask is unique, evolving in size, shape, and pattern over the course of their lives. This mask is a physical representation of their soul and is the only remnant a Zeph leaves behind after their death. Zeph are able to manipulate the countenance of their masks to display an inscrutable and otherworldly range of emotions, and all Zeph have command of a limited range of wind magic which originates from Aura itself.